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Open International returns to FMEA’s

Open International returns to FMEA’s Energy Connections Conference to discuss how utilities can take their customer engagement strategies to the next level

This year’s FMEA Energy Connections Conference and Trade Show will take place on November 2-3, 2022 in Orlando, FL, where industry experts will meet up for two days of discussions and presentations about the energy utility space. During the conference, Open International will talk about how utilities can incorporate advanced technologies to enhance their customer satisfaction.

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Open International revealed how to strengthen your utility’s CX with Artificial Intelligence at the TPPA 2022 Annual Meeting

The Texas Public Power Association Annual Meeting took place on July 25-27, 2022, in Austin, TX. Open International brought in two speakers to discuss how in order to improve their CX, utilities can implement a CIS solution enriched with artificial intelligence and business rule engine components. They demonstrated how conversational tools work with a modern CIS and how utilities can exceed their customers’ expectations.

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Proactive Interactions, the Customer Service Trend Open International is Bringing to the Table

In the age of digital technologies, companies that go beyond one-way notifications are more valued by their customers. During this year’s CS Week, one of the most important events for North American utilities, Open International introduced proactive digital interactions, the latest innovation of its solution, Smartflex, aimed to transform utilities’ customer service strategies.

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