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The Gartner Magic Quadrant 2018 for CIS solutions has included Smartflex

Open strengthens its position in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant

The Gartner Magic Quadrant for CIS solutions has included Smartflex for the fifth time running. Gartner, market analyst firm and world leader in research and IT consulting, has included Open in its 2018 Magic Quadrant for utility CIS solutions. The results of Gartner’s in-depth research are presented in the Magic Quadrant itself and in an accompanying report detailing the capabilities and vision of the most important players in the market. Jesus Sanchez, Open’s Vice President of Marketing, had this to

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Open's booth at Cs Week

Open’s Booth at CS Week 2018

Open, having enjoyed decades of remarkable achievements internationally, has arrived to the US market and will be present at CS Week 2018 to offer you an experience like no other.

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The leading role of women in Open

  Today we women make up over 30% of our staff, with 35 of them occupying leadership positions International Women’s Day (March 8) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity. International Women’s Day (IWD) has occurred for well over a century, with the first March 8 IWD gathering supported by over a million people in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland. At Open,

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More connected than ever forum

More connected than ever forum

Open was invited to participate in the “More connected than ever” Forum, an event led by the Ministry of Information Technology and Communications MinTic, Fedesoft and Diario La República. The Forum organizers chose Open for its great contribution to the software industry in the region.

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Open | Software solutions for utility companies

New Partnership: Milestone Utility Services

Milestone’s seasoned technical, functional and financial experts have helped U.S. and Canadian electric, gas and water complete end-to-end CIS upgrades, data migration projects, business process optimizations, application maintenance, technology upgrades, and other solution delivery services since 2002.

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ENERGUATE, completed its digital transformation with Smartflex

ENERGUATE, a subsidiary of IC Power and one of the largest electricity distribution companies in Central America, completed its digital transformation with Smartflex. ENERGUATE serves as the electricity service distributor for 88% of the municipalities in 91% of Guatemala’s departments, which accounts for over 1.7 million customers across the country. With a strong understanding of the need to improve its efficiency and productivity levels, ENERGUATE has successfully implemented the Smartflex solution, software that will upgrade its field operations and guarantee

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