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Subace – Mexico City

Open International is pleased to announce finalization of an agreement, to implement its Smartflex CIS platform at SUBACE, a newly created energy supplier spawned by recent market restructuring, to establish a world-class foundation for its customer facing and back office processes.

SUBACE was formed through an alliance of Luz y Fuerza, the incumbent electric utility in Mexico City, and the Mexican Electricians Union.  The market regulatory entity, the Regulatory Energy Commission of Mexico, granted the licensing to purchase and market energy for the residential market, through the existing Luz y Fuerza distribution network.  SUBACE’s service territory is comprised of Mexico City, Morelos, Hidalgo, Puebla, Michoacan, and the State of Mexico.

SUBACE has restructured the organization with a lean operational profile, managed by electricians with a wealth of distribution network experience, driving down costs which will result in significantly lower electric bills for millions of customers.

In an aggressive growth trajectory, SUBACE is planning to provide service to 600.000 customers next year and by the fifth year, they have predicted to be at the 3 million consumer mark.

The Smartflex CIS platform stands out for its unique agility and flexibility to adapt to the evolving market regulations and demands of a rapid growth model. As the platform provider of one of the first new electric providers in the newest deregulated market in North America, Open will enjoy a de facto leadership position in the customer care and billing market for the Mexican energy ecosystem.


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