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We have started operations in Europe

Open’s commitment to our customers and our people during COVID-19 situation

At Open, our highest priority is to protect the well-being of our employees, customers, partners, and suppliers. As the situation around COVID-19 continues, our goal is to be socially responsible in doing our part for the greater good.

Our mission is to empower utility and telecommunication companies to overcome their business challenges. In these difficult times, we continue to commit to offering our customers our effort, support, and dedication, so that they can guarantee the supply of energy, water, gas, internet, television, and telephone services for millions of families.

We understand that these services are of vital importance for the stability of our countries and we will keep all of our services available to our customers. We have activated our operational continuity plan that seeks to protect both our customers and employees, all the while ensuring the minimum impact on the services we provide. Consequently, we will continue to carry out the following actions within the framework established by official health entities:

  • Our employees continue to work safely from home to preserve their health and reduce the spread of the virus.
  • We have enabled connectivity and collaboration tools for remote meetings and video conferences.
  • Employees who provide on-site services have been instructed to follow our clients’ safety policies.
  • We have limited international and national travel only to those that are completely necessary.
  • Employees who travel are to follow self-isolation for at least 14 days upon arrival at their final destination.

At Open, we want to emphasize the importance of this global issue and encourage everyone to remain calm and to take the necessary measures in order to stay healthy and protect the people around them.


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